Adam Hyde consultant – publishing workflows and technology.

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  • Adam Hyde

    Adam is a publishing innovator. Founder of Coko, Book Sprints, FLOSS Manuals, Booktype and more. Adam lives between New York and Koutu, New Zealand.


Nikau Consulting provides services to publishing organisations in the following areas:

Publishing Workflows
Optimize your processes via facilitated design meetings to help you understand and co-design your ideal workflow.

Publishing Platform Architecture
Design of your new publishing platform.

HTML-first and Single Source Publishing
Understand what HTML-first and SSP workflows can offer and how to achieve them.

Open Source
Understand what Open Source components exist that can lower the time and cost of development. Nikau Consulting also provides help in understanding how to work with open source code and communities.


Adam is the founder of Coko (Collaborative Knowledge Foundation) and responsible for oversight of all operations.

Additionally Adam is also the founder of Book Sprints, paged.js, Cabbage Tree Labs, FLOSS Manuals, Open Publishing Awards and the Open Publishing Fest. Over the past 15 years he has been on a mission to transform publishing and knowledge production through innovation in workflows, development of technology, and facilitation. Adam has designed facilitation methodologies such as Workflow Sprints, The Cabbage Tree Method and Book Sprints and led the development of open source software for publishing such as PubSweet, Editoria, Kotahi, PagedJS, Wax, BookType and many more. From 2015-2018 Adam has been a Shuttleworth Fellow.

Adam has helped many organisations and companies transform the way they produce and publish knowledge. These include NCBI, HHMI, Caltech, Novel Coronavirus Research Compendium, Cisco, Safari Books, World Bank, eLife,  Wormbase, ArXiv, Hindawi, Punctum Books, Atla, Auckland University of Technology, Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, Transparency International, University of California Press, Californian Digital Library, GIZ, USAid, UNECA, Public Library of Science, F5, OpenStack, Open Oil, Free Software Foundation, Google Summer of Code, the United Nations Development Project… amongst others.

Site Credits

Text application by Julien Taquet

Site Design by Ian Hamilton

Adam Hyde, Concept & Oversight

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